Part 1: Wanna Pet That Dog
We begin with the slow walk to Narshe, the opening credits replaced with the randomizer credits, as well as new music!
Chrono Cross - Life is the track for this walk.
Our first glimpse at the party. A nice teal paintjob on the Magitek armor, some big purple hair and..dogs?
It can be hard to tell who a sprite is supposed to be, especially when they're shoved into a giant walking suit of magic. Maybe the menu screen can shed some light!
Oh my. If anything at this point in the game posed a threat, those relics could really save my bacon. Or they could have random attributes that fuck me over,
These are VERY nice rolls for Speed and Magic Power, generally the two most important stats. Many commands will rely on the Magic Power stat, and starting at 45 is great. Fight/Item are fine, Mimic has uses, and Dance will either be amazing or terrible.
You can see here the extra information granted by the ROM I'm using; the MithrilBlade displays all the properties it has. The game has been edited so all (or nearly all) weapons can be used with SwdTech, Runic, and the Gauntlet relic. This is to prevent you from getting a character with one of those commands but not being able to equip any weapons that enable them.
Items in the randomizer are kept to a certain range of power, comparable to the item you would normally get at that point. There is a code that can disable this, meaning you would get any item available in the game at any time. This includes things like getting an Illumina on your starting character, or a boss in the final dungeon dropping a Leather Hat.
The only real stand out here is the Buckler. It gives the wearer poison immunity, decent defense, and a real cool +10 to Evade. If you're familiar with the base game, you would know that the Evade stat does nothing due to a bug. All evasion is instead calculated based on your Magic Block stat. The randomizer fixes this bug, so that +10 Evade is great to have.
A quick glance at the Dances on the Skill page; I can check the generated text file to see what the dances are but it's more fun to find out as we learn them.
Normally, there would be NPCs walking on screen to yell at me. The "notawaiter" code just removes them entirely, beginning a battle on this step. I'll keep mentions of this to a minimum as there isn't much to talk about, just know that it tremendously speeds up the beginning of the game.
Our first battle, and the sprites aren't that big of a change. The original guards here are just a different guard sprite, and random chance gave us this guard sprite instead.
Chrono Trigger - Battle - Our standard battle theme replacement.
Pyl Dic (Level 5)
| HP: 35 | ATK: 13 | SPD: 30 |
| MP: 0 | DEF: 56 | HIT: 103 |
| XP: 25 | MPOW: 10 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 29 | MDEF: 146 | MBLK: 0 |
WEAK: fire
IMMUNE: slow
AUTO: regen
OTHER: ambusher, difficult to run, humanoid
SPECIAL "ToxicSight": attack x1.5
RAGE: Kirin, Battle
CONTROL: Battle, Battle, Battle, ToxicSight
STEAL: Eyedrop, Tonic
DROPS: Echo Screen
MORPH (6%): Cards, Dragon Claw, Mirage Vest, Ogre Nix
LOCATION: Monster-in-a-Box
Our Magitek commands. Fire/Bolt/Ice Beam aren't randomized, and the fourth slot is random but with a bigger chance of Heal Force appearing. Biggs and Wedge will always have Exploder, as a failsafe in case you encounter an enemy that absorbs all elements. It looks like one of our guards has a gambling problem too.
Launcher - Uses eight missiles on random targets. Each time a target is hit, their HP is halved. Its Hit Rate is 100, and it fails on targets immune to Death. It ignores defense and Split Damage. It is affected by the Silence status.
Missile - Reduces one target's HP to 3/4 of its current total and inflicts Seizure. Its Hit Rate is 126, but it misses on targets immune to Death. It is affected by the Silence status.
Shrapnel - Deals non-elemental magic damage to one or all targets. Its Spell Power is 120 and its Hit Rate is 120. It is affected by the Silence status.
Shrapnel spins some blades around the enemy and does pretty heavy damage for this point of the game. For reference, the Beams have a Spell Power of 60 compared to Shrapnel's 120.
We also learn our first dance! We'll look at that in a future update.
The second battle in the intro, definitely different from the normal beast sprites but still in the guard theme.
Javai Thu (Level 5)
| HP: 35 | ATK: 19 | SPD: 37 |
| MP: 0 | DEF: 94 | HIT: 102 |
| XP: 23 | MPOW: 10 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 30 | MDEF: 124 | MBLK: 0 |
WEAK: bio
IMMUNE: Nothing
OTHER: humanoid
SPECIAL "Arrows": attack x1.5
RAGE: Kitty, Arrows
CONTROL: Arrows, Arrows, Arrows, Battle
STEAL: Leather Hat, Shuriken
MORPH (50%): Blizzard, FakeMustache, Falchion, Sniper
LOCATION: Event Battle
New monsters!
Coex Ana (Level 1)
| HP: 116 | ATK: 111 | SPD: 25 |
| MP: 30 | DEF: 75 | HIT: 102 |
| XP: 46 | MPOW: 0 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 96 | MDEF: 160 | MBLK: 0 |
WEAK: fire
IMMUNE: sleep
OTHER: can't escape, undead
SPECIAL "LethalHigh": sleep
RAGE: Battle, LethalHigh
CONTROL: Battle, Battle, Battle, LethalHigh
STEAL: Inviz Edge, Echo Screen
DROPS: Inviz Edge
MORPH (6%): Atma Weapon, Fairy Ring, Ice Shld, Thunder Rod
LOCATION: Event Battle
Moving into the cave, we find a scorpion (the Nautee) and uh.. mouse (Asce) living in harmony.
Nautee (Level 4)
| HP: 24 | ATK: 13 | SPD: 32 |
| MP: 0 | DEF: 100 | HIT: 103 |
| XP: 22 | MPOW: 10 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 31 | MDEF: 153 | MBLK: 0 |
NULLIFY: fire, ice, wind; WEAK: bio
IMMUNE: blind, sleep
SPECIAL "InvizLight": damage + vanish
RAGE: Battle, InvizLight
CONTROL: Battle, InvizLight, InvizLight, InvizLight
STEAL: Tonic, Leather Hat
DROPS: Echo Screen, Shuriken
MORPH (3%): Air Anchor, Charm Bangle, Dice, Tack Star
LOCATION: Narshe (WoB)
Asce (Level 5)
| HP: 15 | ATK: 13 | SPD: 30 |
| MP: 0 | DEF: 96 | HIT: 105 |
| XP: 23 | MPOW: 10 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 19 | MDEF: 152 | MBLK: 0 |
NULLIFY: bolt, wind; WEAK: fire, pearl
IMMUNE: haste
AUTO: morph
SPECIAL "Cold Rib": damage + hp drain
RAGE: Battle, Cold Rib
CONTROL: Battle, Battle, Cold Rib, Cold Rib
STEAL: Plumed Hat, Shuriken
DROPS: LeatherArmor
MORPH (75%): BehemothSuit, Blizzard, Chain Saw, Marvel Shoes
LOCATION: Narshe (WoB)
The Big Bad Babby's First Boss is here and absolutely rocking that pink shell.
Xenogears - Knight of Fire Our new normal boss fight music.
Head (Level 6)
| HP: 1698 | ATK: 23 | SPD: 48 |
| MP: 1070 | DEF: 102 | HIT: 100 |
| XP: 0 | MPOW: 10 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 0 | MDEF: 160 | MBLK: 0 |
VULNERABLE: float, haste, shell, slow, stop
OTHER: can't escape
SPECIAL "Clean": slow
STEAL: Inviz Edge
DROPS: Inviz Edge, Inviz Edge
Whelk (Level 4)
| HP: 53678 | ATK: 13 | SPD: 26 |
| MP: 127 | DEF: 105 | HIT: 103 |
| XP: 0 | MPOW: 5 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 0 | MDEF: 159 | MBLK: 0 |
NULLIFY: fire, bio, earth
VULNERABLE: haste, protect
AUTO: near death
OTHER: can't escape
SPECIAL "PoundSlide": attack x4
SKILLS: Sour Mouth
LORE: Sour Mouth
STEAL: Gold Shld
DROPS: White Dress, White Dress
The hitpoints are close to the originals; you can kill the shell in the original game if you're patient enough. Nothing too bad on the head. Slow is annoying but it's an easy fight anyway. The shell doesn't actually attack normally, only if you hit it with something that does damage. Healing and nullified damage don't provoke an attack back. I didn't actually attack the shell to find out if it would cast Sour Mouth in response but that is likely the case.
Watch the full fight here.
It doesn't take long.
After talking to the Esper, we mysteriously wake up in a bed. Can we remember our name?
Hello Saber. It's nice to meet you! What an adventure we're going to have.